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Movement Agreement ASL: Understanding the Importance of Sign Language in Active Communication

American Sign Language (ASL) is a vibrant language with its own syntax, grammar, and vocabulary. It is a natural language used by the deaf community in the United States and Canada to communicate and express their thoughts and emotions. ASL is a visual language, relying heavily on facial expressions, body language, and hand gestures.

Within ASL, there are different grammatical features that are used to convey various meanings. One of these features is known as movement agreement, or directional verbs. In this article, we will explore what movement agreement is, how it works, and why it is important in ASL communication.

What is Movement Agreement?

Movement agreement is a grammatical feature in ASL that involves the use of directional verbs to indicate the movement and location of an object or person. These verbs show the direction in which an object is moving, or the location of an object in relation to another object or person.

For example, if you wanted to describe a person walking towards you, you could use the directional verb ‘move towards’. You would sign the verb ‘move’ in the direction of the person, indicating that they are moving towards you.

Another example is if you wanted to describe a car driving past you. You could use the directional verb ‘drive past’. You would sign the verb ‘drive’ in the direction of the car, indicating that it is driving past you.

How does Movement Agreement work?

Movement agreement is based on the concept of visual space. In ASL, the signer’s visual space is where they sign, and it is divided into different zones. These zones are used to indicate the location of objects or people in relation to the signer.

There are three zones in ASL communication:

– The Near Zone: This is the space within arm’s reach of the signer. It is used to indicate objects or people that are close to the signer.

– The Mid Zone: This is the space within the signer’s reach, but beyond arm’s reach. It is used to indicate objects or people that are farther away from the signer.

– The Far Zone: This is the space beyond the signer’s reach. It is used to indicate objects or people that are very far away from the signer.

To use movement agreement, the signer must first establish their visual space. They then use directional verbs to indicate the movement or location of an object or person within that space.

Why is Movement Agreement Important in ASL Communication?

Movement agreement is an important aspect of ASL communication because it helps convey meaning and context in a visual language. By using directional verbs, signers can indicate the location and movement of objects or people, which helps the listener understand the message being conveyed.

For example, if a signer were describing a person walking towards them, they could use the directional verb ‘move towards’. This would indicate the direction of the person’s movement and help the listener understand the context of the message.

Similarly, if a signer were describing a car driving past them, they could use the directional verb ‘drive past’. This would indicate the direction of the car’s movement and help the listener understand the context of the message.

In conclusion, movement agreement is an important aspect of ASL communication. It allows signers to convey meaning and context through the use of directional verbs and visual space. By understanding how movement agreement works, signers can improve their communication skills and enhance their understanding of ASL.